Benefits of Payday Loans One of the main advantages of a payday loan is that it is very easy to acquire one quickly. The requirements for taking out a payday loan are very simple, so it is possible for anyone to take out one of these loans as long as they have a bank account and some form of income. Payday loans can also be taken out very quickly, due to the low qualifying requirements and because they are designed to be taken out for short periods. A payday cash loan can generally be accessed within 24 hours, although some companies are able to make the funds available within just a couple of hours. Most payday loans will be borrowed for approximately two weeks, although they may be borrowed over longer or shorter terms, depending on the needs of the borrower. These loans can be accessed quickly and without the need to meet strict requirements. This makes them an ideal option for borrowers who need to acquire a small amount of money quickly or for borrowers who might not be ...